GNU Emacs Desktop WallpaperLevitating, Meditating, Flute-playing Gnu (16:10) 1920x1200 (16:10 aspect ratio) 2.1 MB png Created for my Dell Studio 1737 laptop, this wallpaper features the Levitating, Meditating, Flute-playing Gnu as designed by Nevrax. The flying source code is taken from emacs.c main() and from the lisp parser. This is an earlier version of the same wallpaper, the difference being that the gnu is positioned slightly higher and to the right, and has not yet manifested his divine glow. Levitating, Meditating, Flute-playing Gnu (10:6) for netbook 1024x600 (10:6 aspect ratio) .5 MB png Similar to the above, with aspect ratio and color scheme corrected for the Lemote Yeeloong netbook's 10" screen. GNU stuff: